The beginning of the famous “Mithras Liturgy” in PGM IV

This is the beginning of the famous “Mithras Liturgy”, a unique ritual instruction for gaining temporary immortality to receive a divination:

“Be merciful to me, O Providence and Psyche, as I write down these mysteries, handed down not for gain but for instruction. But for my only child I ask for immortality, you initiates of this power of ours. You, daughter, have to take the juices of plants and spices, which will be made known to you at the end of my holy writing, which the great God Helios Mithras has let communicate to me from his archangel, so that I alone walk on the sky and see everything at my request.”

Papyrus book (ritual manual), 4th century, Egypt

Read my short post introducing PGM IV:
Watch my 30 min. video “PGM IV in a Nutshell”:

The “Great Paris Papyrus” or “Grand Papyrus Magique” (PGM IV), 4th century, 30,5 x 12 cm, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, P.suppl.grec. 574. Source: / BnF
The “Great Paris Papyrus” or “Grand Papyrus Magique” (PGM IV), 4th century, 30,5 x 12 cm, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, P.suppl.grec. 574. Source: / BnF

Link to the papyrus: